Thursday, June 17, 2010

Maybe I should stick to furniture...

So far, I have broken two mirrors, the glass from a picture frame, and two globes for the vintage milk glass lamp that I grabbed at a spring garage sale. This is the second one...purchased at a different garage sale to replace the broken one. I truly couldn't believe my ears when I heard the glass hit the cement of my garage!

I love to work with old mirrors and turn them into something different (see below), but I'm not very good at preserving the glass! I have worked on two mirrors, and have had to spend the money to replace the mirror on both of them! So here's hoping I get better at handling mirrors!

While this piece was a little more time-consuming, it would be difficult to break. It's also difficult to move...I have to admit, there are a few little details I haven't figured out and breakables are at the top of the list!

Speaking of storage, I left 4 wooden upholstered chairs at the curb while driving through my home town today. Anyone who knows me knows how unlike me that is! It is a true testament to my storage problem... I am considering building a storage shed, but I'm not sure that furniture (even unfinished furniture) will hold up through a NJ winter in something un-insulated and un-heated...what to do????

I've been purchasing less and less furniture, but there's a garage sale in my neighborhood this weekend which is featuring vintage furniture. Hmmm...I wonder what I can store in my living wouldn't be the first time!

Since it's Father's Day this Sunday, I won't be at my usual flea market at the Princeton Elks, but I hope to return next Sunday. I will post the details on this blog, on Facebook and on Twitter.

Happy Picking!
Mona Kay


  1. Hi Mona....I love your new blog. I'm also a big fan of trying out new things (they don't always work though) and getting my hands dirty. I think you have a really unique gift and talent. Keep it up!
    I'm Arlene. Stephens wife ;)
    Great to "meet" you

  2. Great to meet you Arlene! Love your blog & all that you guys are doing at My Blue Sofa!!
