I have two beautiful tables waiting to be painted. They're gonna look great when they're done!! But they will probably have to wait until it gets colder & not so nice outside...a luxury I can make use of thanks to the low VOC of AS Chalk Paint! Here's the first in my series of day/week trips explaining what I've been up to which doesn't include painting furniture...the first explanation comes from stunningly beautiful Newport, RI!
Do you blame me for making the tables wait??
Stay tuned for northwest New Jersey and some gorgeous fall foliage!!
I have had so much fun on Pinterest, re-pinning all the wonderful pictures from blogland. After several trips to Marshalls, the dollar store, and some great flea markets, I took a shot at achieving a look of my own. I finally had time to take some pictures today...here they are!
Peek-a-Boo, Sydney!!
The front porch is still a work in progress, but I hope to have some pictures soon.
Thanks for your inspiration! Hope you all have a wonderful week.
Well, it was almost 80 degrees here in New Jersey, and it's actually going to be hotter tomorrow...but I'm still going to work on my fall decorating, and hope to have pictures for you soon!!
In the mean time, take a look at where I'll be getting some of my inspiration...Jess at Scarlet Begonia Vintage shows us how to throw a party with vintage Halloween embellishments...enjoy!!